On-Air Contests

2023 ARRL Field Day

Submitted by AK2X on

Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

Club members who want to sign up for an operating time slot should contact Judy Lamay. 


We need volunteers for this event

NY QSO Party

Submitted by AK2X on

The New York QSO Party will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2016. The event starts at 1400 UTC (2 pm EDT) and runs for 12 hours. Rules and info here:http://nyqp.org/wordpress/

The NYQP is a chance for NY operators to be “chased”. Other NY stations and everyone else will be looking to contact NY operators. Since the majority of stations will be from the US and Canada, signals should be strong and easy to work. No matter if you prefer SSB, CW or the RTTY/Digital modes, the NYQP has something for you! The most important thing is to have fun. Be there! 

ARRL Field Day

Submitted by ai2n on

The Fulton ARC, in conjunction with Oswego County RACES, will be on the air for ARRL Field Day this weekend. They will be operating from the Emergency Operations Center in the lower section of the Oswego County Building on Route 481 North, Fulton (across from Mimi's Diner). Hams wishing to visit the operation may call in on 146.565 MHz simplex for access to the building. ARRL Field Day is the largest Emergency Communications Exercise in the world, involving more that 30,000 hams in the USA and Canada.

We need volunteers for this event

ARRL Field Day 2013

Submitted by admin on

The Fulton Amateur Radio Club, W2CXV, will be on the air in this year’s
ARRL Field Day (Amateur Radio Emergency Exercise).  It is the
largest such exercise in the country, with as many as 35,000
ham radio operators participating in the USA, Canada and beyond.

We need volunteers for this event