So a few weeks ago I had my cousin over to help me with a few projects I couldn’t do myself. One was restringing my cable for my long wire antenna.
We got talking about amateur radio and school activities, then I told him about ARISS program. We reviewed the current program and required documentation plus submitting dates. Well he took the information to teachers at Oswego School District, and I believe we have a few that want to do live chat with the ISS next fall.
Thus, I thought I should give everyone an update, and possibly notice that we might be getting a request to support a live chat session. The current deadline in February 29, and according to my cousin I should be hearing something soon.
I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for the club to promote Amateur Radio. Plus if anyone has a child, niece or nephew, or know someone in any of the school districts, now it’s time to share the information.