Fulton Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2025
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Ellsworth (N2GFG) at 7:00 PM.
- None.
- None.
Approval of Previous Minutes
The minutes from the October meeting were read by the Secretary.
- Motion to approve: Dave Granoff
- Seconded by: Rick Boutell
- Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Report presented by Rick Boutell.
- Total balance: $906.27
- Motion to approve: Garrette
- Seconded by: Al
- Motion carried.
Committee Reports
RACES (Mike)
- No report.
Field Day
- Scheduled for June 28–29, 2025.
- Awaiting ARRL Rules and Regulations release.
- Awaiting report from Mike regarding Fort Ontario as a potential site.
Education (Redd)
- No General Class currently scheduled.
- If there is interest, a class could be organized by March.
- Proposed returning to the pre-COVID class schedule:
- Technician Course in the fall (after peak club visibility during spring/summer events).
- General Course in the spring.
- No summer classes due to member availability.
- Planning for the next Technician course should begin soon.
- Self-study support remains available for any license level.
Public Service
- Currently reaching out to event sponsors/directors.
- Preliminary event schedule:
- Autism Run may take place around St. Patrick’s Day (March).
- Tour de Loop may return in August.
- Fair Haven Triathlon is being discussed for September.
Old Business
Dave Webb’s Equipment
- Inventory has been completed by Ken and will be shared with the club.
Repeater Status
- Current range remains limited due to height and power constraints.
- Open to future discussions for potential improvements.
Christmas Party
- Date: Saturday, December 13, 2025
- Location: RFH
- Time: 12:30 PM
Club Bank Account & Incorporation Status
- Need to determine non-profit status and EIN.
- Bank account updates:
- Rick has been added.
- Paul and Bob are being removed.
- Ken will be added soon.
New Business
Secretary Position
- The club is seeking a replacement for the Secretary due to personal conflicts.
- A new Secretary will need to be in place by summer 2025.
Encouraging New/Younger Members
- Discussion on outreach efforts, including:
- Boy & Girl Scouts, teachers, schools, and other community organizations.
- Collaboration with neighboring clubs:
- RAGS (Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse)
- LARC (Liverpool Amateur Radio Club)
- QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association)
- Bear Bait Radio Club
- Participation in the Maker Faire in Syracuse.
Rotary Club Presentation
- Dave Granoff invited club officers to present at an Oswego Rotary Club meeting.
- Date TBD.
Repeater Interference Issue
- Discussion on reports of possible WSPT387 GMRS call interference.
- No formal action taken at this time.
Remote Operation Discussion
- Dave Granoff suggested using Google Remote Desktop for remote shack operation.
- This free service would allow members to remotely access his station for operations.
Next Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
- Motion to adjourn: Ben
- Seconded by: Ken
- Motion carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Educational Presentation
- Presenter: Ben Townsend (AK2X)
- Topic: Overview of the club website and social media functionality.
- Discussion: Ways to enhance and better utilize the club's digital presence.