Repeaters & Nets

147.150 Repeater W2OSC

Receive 147.150, transmit 147.750, Channel guard 103.5.
The repeater is located at the Scriba Site approximately ½ mile East of the intersection of County Routes 29 and 51A. (43º 27.336 North x 76º 22.482 West)  Antenna is a four bay DB-234 mounted approximately 685 feet above sea level.  Approximately 20 Watts.
Fred Koch, KA2HPG, is the repeater trustee. The repeater is open and available for all normal amateur activity. The repeater is part of the communications back up plan for the power company and during emergencies all stations are asked to exercise patience and good operating practices, giving emergency  traffic priority use.
For information contact the OCEC/RACES Radio Officer.

146.850 Repeater W2OSC

Receive 146.850, transmit 146.250, Channel guard not turned on but will be 103.5 if needed.
The repeater is located at the Oswego County Airport on Route 176  North. A modified GE MASTR II with a NHRC Controller. Approximately  25 Watts.
The repeater is provided and owned by Oswego County Emergency Management Office, OCEC/RACES. For information contact the  Radio Officer.
There are no user features available on this repeater.

442.350 Repeater K2QQY

Receive 442.350, transmit 447.350, Channel guard is 103.5.
The repeater is located at the “Scriba Site” approximately ½ mile East  of the intersection of County Routes 29 and 51A. (43º 27.336 North x 76º 22.482 West)  Antenna is a four bay DB-234 mounted approximately  685  feet above sea level. The repeater is a GE MASTR II assembled by KB2AUJ and KA2FWN. The antenna is a base station UHF mounted  approximately 660 feet above sea level. The controller is an NHRC. Power is approximately 50 watts.
The repeater is part of a New York Statewide linked repeater system.
There are no user features available on this repeater.


  • The Pathfinder Net every weeknight at 2100 (9:00pm) on 147.39 (temporarily while 147.15 is repaired) repeater . This purpose of this net is to provide amateur fellowship. Any and all calls are welcome!
  • Oswego County Emergency Communicators on the air meeting and training net, Normally 3rd Sunday of each month, except December, however can vary to avoid conflicts, on the 147.15 MHz repeater.
  • SSTV Net every Saturday evening at 7:30pm on the 147.39 MHz repeater.