April 2024

Submitted by AK2X on

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: April 24, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • Called to Order: 7:00 PM by Club President, Paul.
  • New Members/Guests: None.


  • Secretary: Minutes from March read by Ben; motion carried by Bob and Keith.
  • Treasurer: Financial report read by Bob.
    • Period: March 27 - April 24, 2024
    • Bank Balance: $954.73
    • Cash on Hand: $45.00
    • Income: $40 from dues, $39 from 50/50 raffle
    • Expenses: $0
    • Deposited: $79
    • New Bank Balance: $1033.23
    • Total Funds: $1078.23
    • Notes: Accepting dues; patches and stickers for sale at $5 each.
    • Motion to accept financial report firsted by Redd, seconded by Al, and carried.
  • Committees:
    • Scholarship: No news.
    • RACES: Updates provided in the absence of John Darling and Mike. Big truck event at the War Memorial in Fulton scheduled; need volunteers for May 11th from 8 AM to 4 PM. Update on the tower at Dave Webb’s; has a winch and likely will be easier to bring down. More information TBD.
    • Website/Social Media: No new updates on Facebook. Ben to send out a link to the survey soon; it is live on the website.
    • Training Courses: No new updates; General course coming in the fall.
    • Public Service: Update similar to last report. Child Advocacy Center run date may move to September instead of the same day as Field Day. July 27th Harborfest run is the next upcoming event.
    • Field Day: Garrette was absent. The fort is not available due to a re-enactment. Ken offered his site on Rt 104, which houses the repeater. After discussion, the site was approved by a vote. Discussion on logistical preparations such as food, trailer, and bathroom continued.

Old Business:

  • Tower Removal: Need to schedule and assess what can be done to remove the tower from Dave Webb’s wife's property.
  • Club Picnic: Flicking Chicken ordered for the picnic; Judy has ordered 40 meals at $12 each. Brietbeck park reserved for August 25th from 9 AM to 9 PM. Discussion on setting up a portable station.
  • Repeater Issues: Ongoing issues with the repeater; coordination with Pat to address these. The 147.390 repeater is functioning well and consistently used.
  • Christmas Party: Judy has a tentative speaker, Bill Scriber from the port authority, to talk about port operations.

New Business:

  • Alternative Venue for Picnic: Driveway Inn in Palermo might be a fallback for the picnic if needed, with catering expected by mid-summer.
  • ARRL Insurance: Redd noted that August is the renewal month for ARRL insurance.
  • Survey Update: Adding ARRL membership question to the survey.
  • Club Newsletter: John Darling suggested updating the newsletter and taking inspiration from RaRa’s approach to newsletters and club events.
  • Packet Association: Notified state packet association that we are currently not operating packet in Oswego Co.


  • Picnic: Planning to reserve Brietbeck Park for August 11, noon; featuring a chicken dinner.
  • Christmas Party: Scheduled for December 14 at RFH Hideaway; suggestions for speakers are welcomed.
  • Radio Sales: Tim is looking to sell older radios including Kenwood 590sg, Yaesu 891, and Yaesu FT-1 HT.
  • License Achievement: Josh took & passed his General exam this past weekend with Bear Bait club.


  • Motion to Adjourn: Made by Al, seconded by Judy. Carried.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary