February 2024

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Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: February 28, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Paul Hopman KD2HJW, the club President.

Officers' and Committee Reports:

  • Secretary: Read the minutes from the January meeting. 
    • Motion to accept by Rick, Garrett.
  • Treasurer: Presented the financial report for the last month:
    • Bank balance: $756.23, Cash on hand: $45.00
    • Collected: Donation: $70.00, 50/50: $88.00, Dues: $100.00
    • December deposited: $198.00
    • New balance: $954.23 + $45 cash on hand = $999.23 total balance
    • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Garrett, seconded by Ken.
  • RACES Officer: Mike was absent. Ben shared that the IS-100-C self-study is easy to sign up for on the FEMA website, requiring minimal personal information.
  • Skywarn: Mike was absent. Weather briefings were sent out today.
  • Website & Social Media: Ben reported the email system is working well with no Spectrum-related issues. Members can send content to Ben for group emails via [email protected].
  • Field Day: Garrett mentioned that the 2024 ARRL Field Day rules have not been published yet. Mike confirmed the fort is reserved for club use, with permit paperwork in progress.
  • Scholarship: The website has been updated with application information, though no applications have been received yet.
  • Licensing Classes: Rick is seeking additional instructors for the Technician class due to health and availability issues with current instructors.
  • Public Service: Ben shared a list of upcoming events from Redd. Bob mentioned that N2IK – Walt – is looking for volunteers for the St. Patrick’s Day parade, offering loaner radios for those unfamiliar with DMR. The deadline for volunteer sign-up is tomorrow.
    • Motion to accept the reports was made by Dick, seconded by Sam.

Old Business:

  • Ben, Paul, and Garrett are looking to complete the ICS-100-C course and encouraged others to do the same.
  • Repeaters: The 147.15 repeater needs service due to reception issues. Pat has offered to assist upon his return and is considering adding EchoLink to the 440 repeater.
  • The 30 ft tower from 51a has been relocated and is now stored at Ken's.

New Business:

  • Discussion about engaging with local GMRS groups to encourage cross-training and information sharing.


  • The meeting was adjourned with a motion made by Ken and seconded by Dick.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary



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