Contact Information
General Information:
[email protected]
Club President:
Ken Ellsworth - N2GFG
Vice President:
Dave Granoff - K3AS
Ben Townsend - AK2X - [email protected]
Rick Boutell - WA2LBE
RACES Officer:
Michael Regan - KD2DVC - [email protected]
Club Historian:
Julie Hopman
Ben Townsend - AK2X - [email protected]
Club Newsletter & Exam Information:
Garret Wickoff - Session Manager - [email protected]
The Fulton Amateur Radio Club does not have a (postal) mailing address.
The primary purposes of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club are to foster interest in radio/electronics, provide license training and testing, and promote the use of Amateur Radio for emergency communications.
The Fulton Amateur Radio Club was formed in 1957. In 2007 the club celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a Special Event Station set up on the shore of Lake Neatahwanta in Fulton which was open to the public. In addition to being an enjoyable activity, Special Event Stations give amateur radio operators (hams) practical experience in setting up operations in less than ideal conditions. Still going strong, the club is looking ahead to its next 50 years...
In 2013, we assisted with many public service events for the Oswego and Fulton YMCA's and many other local orginizations, and again this year we conducted Successful Field Day operations in June at the Scriba Volunteer Fire Department Hall.
Ham Radio continues to provide major emergency communications links during power outages, tornadoes, hurricanes and other times when conventional communications fail. The Fulton ARC and OCEC/RACES provide communications when needed in emergency situations and for public service events.
The Fulton ARC also conducts license training and testing. Contact us for more information on how you can obtain your ham radio license or upgrade your license.
New to the hobby or need technical help? Members of the Fulton ARC are glad to lend a hand and offer advice on radios, antenna set ups, radio installations and more...all you need to do is ask...or better yet - attend a meeting!
The Fulton Amateur Radio Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Oswego County Office Building, across from Mimi's restaurant, Route 481 North, Fulton at 7PM. No need to be a licensed ham radio operator to attend our club meetings, so we welcome you to join us!
Club History
Serving the Community Since 1957
The primary purpose of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club is to promote amateur effort in emergency communication and interest in radio and radio training. The Fulton Radio Club was organized August 26, 1957 by Tom Adams K2DUR and Bill Reynolds K2ZEL (former high school teacher) and also Roger Theiser W2WZN. They got 16 people together who became the club's charter members.
The charter members:
- Fred Yannes - WB2WMB
- Harold Gillespie - WN2PQI
- William Reynolds - K2ZEL
- John Tryniski - WN2OZE
- Don Wilson - K2HPY
- Roger L. Thesier -W2WZN
- John Prenis - WN2PGA
- Edward Haseltine, Jr - WN2RSN
- John Darling - K2QQY
- Bill Soukey - KN2ZQL
- Marks N. Waters - W2PHK
- Frank Soukey
- John Hoey - KN2ZQR
- Tom Cantine - WN2TQF
- Stanley Roberts - WN2RZN
- Tom Adams - K2DUR