The annual SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) will be held this year on Saturday, December 3, 2016. This is the day when Amateur Radio operators visit National Weather Service (NWS) offices and contact other operators around the world. The purpose of the event is to recognize the vital public service contributions that Amateur Radio operators make during National Weather Service severe weather warning operations. It also strengthens the bond between Amateur Radio operators and the local National Weather Service. The event is co-sponsored by ARRL and the National Weather Service. Please remember that this is not a contest, so no scoring will be computed.
Object: For all radio amateur stations to exchange QSO information with as many National Weather Service stations as possible on 80 through 10 meters, including 6 and 2 meter bands and the 70 centimeter band. Contacts via repeaters are permitted.
Date: National Weather Service stations will operate December 3, 2016, from 0000-2400 UTC.
Exchange: Call sign, signal report, QTH, and a one or two-word description of the weather occurring at your site.
Modes: National Weather Service stations will work various modes including SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW and PSK31. While working digital modes, special event stations will append “NWS” to their call sign (e.g. NOA/NWS).
Station Control Operator: It is suggested that during SRD operations, a non-National Weather Service volunteer who is a licensed radio amateur serve as a control operator for the station that is set up at a NWS office.
New this year: There will be a new log submission process introduced this year, and W1AW at ARRL Headquarters is scheduled to be on the air for SKYWARN™ Recognition Day. More details will be released later. More information about this event may be found at: