March 2024

Submitted by AK2X on

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: March 27, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • Called to Order: 7:01 PM by the Club President Paul.
  • Greeted New Members/Guests:
    • Susan Jennings KC2QLV
    • Joshua Becht KC2HJU


  • Secretary: Minutes from February read by Ben; motion to accept by Dick and second Mike. Carried.
  • Treasurer: (Feb 28 – March 27, 2024)
    • Bank: $954.23, Cash on hand: $45.00
    • Income: $0, Expenses: $0
    • Total balance: $999.23
    • Motion to accept by Rick and 2nd Judy. Carried.
  • RACES:
    • Mike participated in an Oswego Hospital drill; no contacts made, exploring further collaboration for redundant communications across four sites.
    • Hospital may access grant money for radio purchases.
    • No RACES drill on April 7; next on-air meeting scheduled for April 21.
    • Inventory work in progress before equipment can be transferred to the club.
  • Skywarn:
    • Upcoming training sessions:
      • April 6, 2 PM at SUNY Oswego
      • April 15, 7 PM online course
      • May 8, next session
    • Request made for a fall course; check NWS Buffalo website for a list.
  • Website/Social Media:
    • Conducting a survey of membership to create a directory and tap into skills for future presentations.
    • Over 600 subscribers on Facebook.
  • Scholarship: No new updates.
  • Field Day:
    • ARRL rules for 2024 are updated.
    • Mike will submit the application for Fort usage around April 1st.
  • Licensing Classes:
    • Technician and General classes have no new updates; General class planned for fall.
  • Community Service:
    • Thanks received from the Irish Autism Run; over 300 participants.
    • Child Advocacy Center 5K being planned, possibly on June 22 (same day as Field Day).
    • Other events: Harborfest 5K/10K on July 27, possible cancellation of Tour de Loop, Run for Health on August 10, Crush Cancer on October 12, Reindeer Run on December 7.
    • Motion carried by Garrett and Glenn.

Old Business:

  • Tower Storage: No immediate plans for the tower currently stored at Ken's.
  • Potential New Tower: Rudy informed Mike about a 60 ft tower available for free if the club disassembles it; located at Dave Webb’s wife’s home.
  • Repeaters: Pat is still in Arizona, plans to work on repeaters upon his return.
  • GMRS: VP Ken discussed GMRS licensing and local repeaters, potential interest from GMRS users in Technician courses, possible reprogramming of Ken’s business band repeater for GMRS use.

New Business:

  • None.


  • Picnic: Planning to reserve Brietbeck Park for August 11, noon; featuring a chicken dinner.
  • Christmas Party: Scheduled for December 14 at RFH Hideaway; Juddy may have speaker suggestions.


  • Motion to adjourn made by Dick, seconded by Ken, and carried.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary