Fulton Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2024
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Ken Ellsworth (N2GFG) at 7:02 PM.
- It was announced with sadness that President Paul Hopman passed away unexpectedly on Monday.
Guests/New Members
- Guest: Jim Blackburn (KC7CNN).
Committee and Officer Reports
- Secretary:
- Previous meeting minutes were read and approved.
- Motion: Rick B.
- Seconded: Dave G.
- Motion carried.
- Previous meeting minutes were read and approved.
- Treasurer:
- Report presented by Bob.
- Total balance: $875.31.
- Motion: Garrette
- Seconded: Keith Conroy
- Motion carried.
- No report, as Mike was not present. Ken will follow up for a report at the next meeting.
- Community Service:
- The 33rd annual Reindeer Run is scheduled for Saturday, December 7, 2024, at 9:30 AM. Volunteers will be solicited two weeks prior to the event.
- Road construction projects are complete, increasing the likelihood of supporting the Tour de Loop in 2025.
- Website & Social Media:
- Call for content; no other updates.
- Education and Exams:
- Technician Class: Congratulations to new licensees Daniel Walsh (KE2EFG), Antonia Gilkey (KE2EFM), and Christa Gilkey (KE2EFT).
- The General Class will not be held this fall, but support is available for self-study.
Old Business
- Antenna Trailer:
- Painting and repairs are planned. The trailer will remain in Ken’s garage for storage until spring.
- 147.15 Repeater:
- Operational, but the airport antenna shows limited range outside West Oswego/Hannibal.
- Dave Webb’s Estate Equipment:
- Equipment has been retrieved and stored at Ken’s. A work party removed the tower and patched holes. Cataloging is pending for future club decisions.
- Christmas Party:
- Scheduled for December 14th at RFH.
- Meet at noon, eat at approximately 12:30 PM.
- Menu prices: Haddock $23.03, Prime Rib $33.27, Chicken Parmesan $26.87.
- Judy will email members to collect RSVPs.
- Presenters:
- Judy will confirm with Bill Scriber.
- Keith has a backup presenter available if needed.
- Invites:
- Dave Webb’s widow and Julia Hopman will be invited, with the club covering the cost.
- Presenter’s meal will also be covered.
- Motions: Judy, Rick, and Dave Granoff.
- Seconded: Garrette and Keith.
- All motions carried.
- Scheduled for December 14th at RFH.
New Business
- Picnic Coordinator:
- Discussion and nominations for a picnic coordinator will occur before next summer.
- November Meeting:
- Scheduled for November 20th to avoid the holiday.
- Wednesday Morning Breakfasts:
- Members have been meeting at 10 AM at the Chicken Chop, but it is closing.
- A suggestion was made to try Mimi’s Diner as the new location.
- Fox Hunt:
- Group discussion about potentially hosting a fox hunt or similar event.
- 2025 Officer Nominations:
- President: Ken Ellsworth
- Vice President: Dave Granoff
- Secretary: BT (willing to continue)
- Treasurer: Rick B.
- Memorial for Paul Hopman:
- Calling hours and funeral details will be shared with the club.
- A $50 contribution to Paul’s family was approved.
- Motion: Garrette
- Seconded: Ken
- Motion carried.
- Bylaws Amendments:
- Proposed clarifications for election processes:
- Nominations in October, voting in November.
- Additional changes to be discussed in November.
- Proposed clarifications for election processes:
- Motion to adjourn: Judy and Bob Lamay.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.