Club Meetings

Digital Communications Demo

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton ARC will be on Wednesday, November 20th, at 7 pm. As is our habit in November we'll meet in conjunction with Oswego County RACES to avoid holding a meeting on Thanksgiving Eve.

High on the meeting agenda will be our annual election of officers.

Additionally, Fred, KA2HPG, and Rick, WA2LBE, will provide a short demonstration of Fldigi and perhaps several other forms of digital communication using handhelds and a computer.

Please join us.

Meeting Date

2016 Heard Island DXpedition

Submitted by ai2n on

Dave, WJ2O, will join us once again to provide the program.  Dave is a DXpeditioner who has operated from more than 75 DXCC entities.

In 2016 he participated in a major DXpedition to Heard Island in the Southernmost region of the Indian Ocean, well over a week's journey by boat from South Africa or Austrailia. Over the course of 20 days on that remote, Antarctic island they completed over 75,000 QSOs with hams around the world. It's a fascinating story that Dave is pleased to share.

Please join us.

Meeting Date

Ham Radio Roundtable Discussion

Submitted by ai2n on

Where else but in a ham radio club can we chat about all the different things we enjoy about this hobby. At our next meeting on September 25, Keith/WB2NVY, a ham since 1963, will ask EVERYONE to talk about things we enjoy Check out this list and be prepared to share your thoughts on them when ‘net control’ turns it over to you.


Suggested topics:


Most memorable QSO

Coolest homebrew project

Favorite rig

Ham radio & wx

Best ham buddy/Elmer

Auto/air/water mobile unit/activity

Worst ham radio day

Meeting Date

DXCC - Unique Entities

Submitted by ai2n on

The DX Century Club, or DXCC, is an amateur radio operating award earned by making and confirming contacts with licensed amateur operators in at least 100 "countries" (i.e. geographic locations listed in the rules for the award) around the world. The DXCC administered by the ARRL.

Most - but not all - entities on the DXCC list are conventional countries. There are, however, some "unique" entities on the DXCC list. Some of these will be the topic of this month's program.

Please join us.

Meeting Date

Ham Radio Trivia

Submitted by ai2n on

Fulton ARC will have its fifth annual “Ham Radio Trivia” quiz at its next meeting on Wednesday, April 24, at 7 pm. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the winner(s). Join us!

Meeting Date

Spark Gap Transmitters

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club will be on Wednesday, January 23, at 7 pm.

Our program this month will be an historical overview of Spark Gap Transmitters and the start of "amateur" experimentation on the airwaves. The origin of the term "ham shack" will also be revealed. Please join us!

Meeting Date

Radio At War

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club will be on Wednesday, October 24, at 7 pm.

With the entry of the United States into World War 2, Amateur Radio activities ceased at 0000z on December 9, 1941. Hams turned their talents toward aiding in the war effort.

The Radio Corporation of America (RCA), in conjunction with the US Army and Navy, produced a film entitled "Radio at War", highlighting (in dramatic fashion) the contributions of radio amateurs. Please join us for a showing of this film.

Meeting Date

Antenna System Gains/Losses

Submitted by ai2n on

There are many fine ham radio transceivers available, many with eye-watering price tags. ALL of them are useless without an antenna system.
On a bang-per-buck basis, improving your antenna system is the least expensive way to boost your signal.  Optimizing your antenna system will improve things but can be taken beyond the point of diminishing returns.
Please join us for a program on Antenna System gains and losses.

Meeting Date