Club Meetings

2018 Field Day in Review

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton ARC will be on Wednesday, June 27 at 7 pm.


The meeting will follow close on the heels of the joint FARC/RACES Field Day exercise. Join us for a hastily-prepared program documenting our FD effort.


And please note that there will be no meetings in July or August.  See you in September!

Meeting Date

UFOs, Demystified

Submitted by ai2n on

Keith Conroy, WB2NVY, is an electrical engineer, a member of Fulton ARC, a Skywarn volunteer, and a past RACES ARO. He is also the New York Chief Investigator for the Mutual UFO Network. Keith will present a program discussing the SCIENCE that supports the reality of UFOs and UFO-related mysteries. Please join us.

Meeting Date

Radio Orienteering

Submitted by ai2n on

Radio Orienteering, also known as ARDF (Amateur Radio Direction Finding) or "Radio Foxhunting", is an amazing, adventurous, intellectual, and physically demanding sport. The goal is to find hidden transmitters (also called "foxes") in the forest as fast as possible by using only a direction finding receiver, a map, a compass and orienteering skills. Join us for a presentation on ARDF: A Chess Match on the Run!

Meeting Date


Submitted by ai2n on

“Trivia” is everywhere. Since the introduction of “Trivial Pursuit” in 1982, many different flavors of trivia “contests” have emerged including Trivia nights at taverns and in private homes, Trivia fundraising events, on-line sites and even Apps for mobile devices.

Not to be left behind, Fulton ARC will have its four annual “Ham Radio Trivia” quiz at its next meeting on Wednesday, March 28 at 7 pm. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the winner(s). Join us!

Meeting Date

FT8 - A Hot, New Digital Mode

Submitted by ai2n on

The latest addition to the WSJT-X digital mode suite, FT8, was announced in June of 2017 and has proven immensely popular.

Jim Shaver, N2ADV, was an alpha and beta tester for FT8. He will present a program on FT8, highlighting its capabilities and debunking some common misconceptions about the mode.

Meeting Date

Theodore Roosevelt McElroy - World Champion Telegrapher

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton ARC will be at 7 pm on Wednesday, October 25.


The FCC eliminated the Morse code requirement for amateur radio effective on February 23, 2007.  Those who bemoaned the imminent demise of the mode were soon relieved to realise that CW continued to thrive on the air.


Meeting Date

Azimuthal Equidistant Projections (maps) from Around the World

Submitted by ai2n on

Here' s an exercise: Go outside and point to Japan. Done? Yes; Japan is azimuth 330 degrees from CNY, just 30 degrees West of North. A flight from NYC to Tokyo -almost- flies over the North Pole.

Living on a sphere complicates matters. I was pondering this while looking at a Azimuthal Equidistant Projection provided by a Dxpedition to a remote island.

Meeting Date

The Ham's Wide World - 1969 version

Submitted by ai2n on

In 1959, TV producer Dave Bell, W6AQ, hit a media home run, getting 30 minutes of prime-time exposure for ham radio with the ORIGINAL "Ham's Wide World". That video was the featured program for the October 2015 Fulton ARC meeting.  

In 1969, Dave produced revision two of "The Ham's Wide World" featuring celebrity hams Arthur Godfrey, Bill Leonard and Barry Goldwater.  Both programs are preserved in the ARRL Film Collection.  Join us for a screening of the 1969 version of "The Ham's Wide World".

Meeting Date