Yaesu Fusion and Wires-X
Pat Browns, WN8Z, owner of the 147.390 repeater, will present a program on Yaesu Fusion and Wires-X.
Pat Browns, WN8Z, owner of the 147.390 repeater, will present a program on Yaesu Fusion and Wires-X.
The next meeting of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club will be on Wednesday, February 22, at 7 pm in the lower level of the Oswego County Office Building, across from Mimi's Restaurant, Route 481 North, Fulton, NY.
Nicola Tesla was truly a Renaissance man. He was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, showman, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity generation and supply system. Join us for a program that merely skims the surface of Nicola Tesla's accomplishments.
Our November meeting will be 11-16-2016 at 7PM at the Emergency Management Office in Fulton. This will be a joint meeting with the RACES group. We will be holding elections for officers during the meeting this evening.
On August 21-22 Derek, K2KU, activated the Oswego Lighthouse during the annual Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend event. Using the callsign W2L and working with the volunteers and curators of the H. Lee White Maritime Museum, Derek generated the first transmissions in decades from the historic Oswego Lighthouse. Please join us at the meeting for the story behind Special Event Station W2L.
In the early days amateur radio operators often constructed their noisy, smelly, and often dangerous spark gap stations in "shacks" separate from their living quarters. The term "Ham Shack" has been maintained to this day. Many variables (personal taste, type and quantity of equipment, available space, budget) determine the setup of a modern ham shack.
The next meeting of the Fulton ARC is Wednesday, June 22 at 7 pm.
There will be no program offered; old business and final Field Day planning/discussion will take up most of the meeting.
The number of Amateur Radio operators in the United States reaches a new all-time high with each passing day. This growth has been seen locally, as well.
There are currently 76 "active" licensees in zip code 13126, and 63 in 13069. Many are new hams and recent upgrades, and many find their first foray on the High Frequency (HF) bands to be somewhat daunting. As always, mentors are valued and available. Our program this month will be an Introduction to HF Operation.
“Trivia” is everywhere. Since the introduction of “Trivial Pursuit” in 1982, many different flavors of trivia “contests” have emerged including Trivia nights at taverns and in private homes, Trivia fundraising events, on-line sites and even Apps for mobile devices. Not to be left behind, Fulton ARC will have its second “Ham Radio Trivia” quiz at its next meeting on Wednesday, March 23 at 7 pm. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the winner(s). Join us!