Club Meetings

Fulton ARC Meeting - Wednesday, November 20

Submitted by ai2n on

This month our normal meeting night falls on the day before Thanksgiving.  To avoid this, Fulton ARC will share a meeting night with Oswego County RACES on Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm.  As a bonus, we will be treated to a program by Judy Levan, Warning Coordination Meteorologist of the Buffalo office of the National Weather Service (NWS), who will provide a SKYWARN training session on Winter Weather Hazards.  See the November 9th post for more information.  Please join us!

Meeting Date

Ham Radio History - an Overview, Part 1

Submitted by ai2n on

Fulton ARC is privileged to have many new members; some young, some not so young, some seasoned hams and some who are fairly new to the hobby.  

Perhaps a look back is in order.  Wednesday's program will be the first installment of a two-part series: an overview of the History of Amateur Radio.

Meeting Date

September 2013 Meeting Topic: RF Safety

Submitted by ai2n on

As responsible amateurs enjoying extensive radio privileges it is beholden on us to maintain our stations in a safe condition, for ourselves as well as for our families, neighbors and the general public.  Part of this responsibility is to assure that personal exposure to our Radio Frequency emissions is maintained within established guidelines as mandated by the FCC.  This month's program topic will be RF Safety.  Join us!

Meeting Date

Amateur Radio on the Internet

Submitted by admin on

Following the general club business meeting, Ben Townsend AK2X will give a presentation on Amateur Radio on the internet.

Topics will include:

  • Registration for and use of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club Website.
  • Spotting Networks and Reverse Beacons
  • Echolink
  • ARRL's Log Book of the World and eQSL
  • Tips on keeping you and your computer safe on the internet.

Bring your questions!

Meeting Date

Video Tour of ARRL HQ

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton ARC will be on Wednesday, March 27, at 7 pm. This month's program will feature a video tour of The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Headquarters in Newington, CT. The ARRL is the largest organization of ham radio enthusiasts in the USA.

Meeting Date

Slow Scan TV (SSTV)

Submitted by K3AS on

Analog SSTV – the popular visual mode for hams.”

FARC President Dave Granoff, K3AS, will discuss the basic theory of soundcard digital mode transmissions, and focus on how to set up a station that can successfully send and receive Slow Scan TV. He will also go over the etiquette and graphic design concepts that are applied along with the popular MMSSTV v1.13 software in order to generate standard images.

Meeting Date