Club Meetings

The "Bash Books"

Submitted by ai2n on

The FCC's published amateur radio question pool has been a fixture for decades now, along with the volunteer Examiners who administer the tests. Prior to 1980, amateur radio tests were given by the FCC at designated times in designated locations. There was a "syllabus" of topics for each license class but the actual questions were not published. Why the change?  A ham named Richard Bash was disappointed in the failure rate experienced by examinees and decided to do something about it. Join us for a brief program on the "Bash Books".

Meeting Date

2015 K1N Navassa Island DXpedition

Submitted by ai2n on

Many amateurs pursue DX awards based on how many Countries (or "Entities") they contact.  The rules governing what constitutes an "Entity" are complex.  One wouldn't expect that one of the rarest "Entities" would be right under our noses, in the Caribbean.  Navassa Island (KP1) is an unoccupied US Territory. It is VERY hard to get permission to go there; its last activation was in 1993, placing it very high on many DXers' "Most Wanted" list.  It is also VERY hard to access. Join us for a program on the 2015 K1N Navassa Island DXpedition.

Meeting Date

Fulton ARC Meeting in conjunction with Oswego Co. RACES

Submitted by ai2n on

The next meeting of the Fulton ARC will be on Wednesday, November 18 at 7 pm at the County Building on Route 481 in Fulton.

We will be meeting in conjunction with Oswego County RACES in order to avoid holding a meeting on the day before Thanksgiving.  The meeting will be short; there will be no program presented.

Meeting Date

The Original "Ham's Wide World" - Aired in 1959 on ABC TV

Submitted by ai2n on

Ham Radio operators and organizations regularly submit news items to media outlets in an effort to increase public awareness and appreciation of our hobby/service.  

In 1959, TV producer Dave Bell, W6AQ, hit a media home run, getting ham radio 30 minutes of prime-time exposure on ABC TV.  Thanks to the ARRL Film Collection, we can still view that program.

Join us for a screening of the original "Ham's Wide World".

Meeting Date

"Clandestine" Antennas

Submitted by ai2n on

Following our Summer hiatus, meetings of the Fulton ARC will resume on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 7 PM at the County Building in Fulton.

For some, low-profile or "stealth" antennas are a necessity.  Perhaps there are antenna restrictions in your neighborhood.  Maybe it has to do with one's sense of aesthetics.  Whatever the reason, minimal-impact antennas are often required.  Join us for a program on "Clandestine" Antennas.

Meeting Date

Station Grounding and Lightning Protection

Submitted by ai2n on

Hams love antennas.  From an efficiency standpoint they are THE most critical part of our stations.  Sadly, lightning loves antennas, too, making proper grounding and lightning protection essential.  With many newer amateur members in our midst it's appropriate that we revisit a topic presented in April of 2010.  Join us for a program on Grounding and Lightning Protection for the Amateur Radio station.

Meeting Date

Ham Radio Trivia

Submitted by ai2n on

“Trivia” is everywhere. Since the introduction of “Trivial Pursuit” in 1982, many different flavors of trivia “contests” have emerged including Trivia nights at taverns and in private homes, Trivia fundraising events, on-line sites and even Apps for mobile devices. Not to be left behind, Fulton ARC will have it’s first “Ham Radio Trivia” quiz at its next meeting on Wednesday, March 25 at 7 pm. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the winner(s). Join us!

Meeting Date