Meeting Minutes

December 2023

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Meeting Minutes for Fulton Amateur Radio Club – December Meeting

Date: December 9th 2023

Location: RFH Hideaway Restaurant

  1. Opening: The meeting was called to order at 2:35 PM by Paul Hopman KD2HJW, the club President.
  2. Officers' Reports: None
  3. Old Business: None
  4. New Business:
    • Elections:
      1. Ken Ellsworth N2GFG was nominated for the position of Vice President by Dave.
      2. Benjamin Townsend AK2X was nominated for the position of Secretary by Red Swindells AI2N.
      3. Paul Hopman KD2HJW is continuing as President.
      4. Bob Goettel WA2LBG is continuing as Treasurer.
      5. The club held elections for officers, resulting in Ken Ellsworth being elected as Vice President and Benjamin Townsend as Secretary.
      6. Dick Hopman [Call] called to close the voting at approximately 2:40 PM.
    • A motion was made and passed to cover the membership fees for Ken Ellsworth and Rudy Reyes for the year 2024 as appreciation for hosting the club repeater equipment.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary