Meeting Minutes

April 2024

Submitted by AK2X on

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: April 24, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • Called to Order: 7:00 PM by Club President, Paul.
  • New Members/Guests: None.


  • Secretary: Minutes from March read by Ben; motion carried by Bob and Keith.
  • Treasurer: Financial report read by Bob.
    • Period: March 27 - April 24, 2024
    • Bank Balance: $954.73
    • Cash on Hand: $45.00
    • Income: $40 from dues, $39 from 50/50 raffle
    • Expenses: $0
    • Deposited: $79
    • New Bank Balance: $1033.23
    • Total Funds: $1078.23
    • Notes: Accepting dues; patches and stickers for sale at $5 each.
    • Motion to accept financial report firsted by Redd, seconded by Al, and carried.
  • Committees:
    • Scholarship: No news.
    • RACES: Updates provided in the absence of John Darling and Mike. Big truck event at the War Memorial in Fulton scheduled; need volunteers for May 11th from 8 AM to 4 PM. Update on the tower at Dave Webb’s; has a winch and likely will be easier to bring down. More information TBD.
    • Website/Social Media: No new updates on Facebook. Ben to send out a link to the survey soon; it is live on the website.
    • Training Courses: No new updates; General course coming in the fall.
    • Public Service: Update similar to last report. Child Advocacy Center run date may move to September instead of the same day as Field Day. July 27th Harborfest run is the next upcoming event.
    • Field Day: Garrette was absent. The fort is not available due to a re-enactment. Ken offered his site on Rt 104, which houses the repeater. After discussion, the site was approved by a vote. Discussion on logistical preparations such as food, trailer, and bathroom continued.

Old Business:

  • Tower Removal: Need to schedule and assess what can be done to remove the tower from Dave Webb’s wife's property.
  • Club Picnic: Flicking Chicken ordered for the picnic; Judy has ordered 40 meals at $12 each. Brietbeck park reserved for August 25th from 9 AM to 9 PM. Discussion on setting up a portable station.
  • Repeater Issues: Ongoing issues with the repeater; coordination with Pat to address these. The 147.390 repeater is functioning well and consistently used.
  • Christmas Party: Judy has a tentative speaker, Bill Scriber from the port authority, to talk about port operations.

New Business:

  • Alternative Venue for Picnic: Driveway Inn in Palermo might be a fallback for the picnic if needed, with catering expected by mid-summer.
  • ARRL Insurance: Redd noted that August is the renewal month for ARRL insurance.
  • Survey Update: Adding ARRL membership question to the survey.
  • Club Newsletter: John Darling suggested updating the newsletter and taking inspiration from RaRa’s approach to newsletters and club events.
  • Packet Association: Notified state packet association that we are currently not operating packet in Oswego Co.


  • Picnic: Planning to reserve Brietbeck Park for August 11, noon; featuring a chicken dinner.
  • Christmas Party: Scheduled for December 14 at RFH Hideaway; suggestions for speakers are welcomed.
  • Radio Sales: Tim is looking to sell older radios including Kenwood 590sg, Yaesu 891, and Yaesu FT-1 HT.
  • License Achievement: Josh took & passed his General exam this past weekend with Bear Bait club.


  • Motion to Adjourn: Made by Al, seconded by Judy. Carried.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary

March 2024

Submitted by AK2X on

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: March 27, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • Called to Order: 7:01 PM by the Club President Paul.
  • Greeted New Members/Guests:
    • Susan Jennings KC2QLV
    • Joshua Becht KC2HJU


  • Secretary: Minutes from February read by Ben; motion to accept by Dick and second Mike. Carried.
  • Treasurer: (Feb 28 – March 27, 2024)
    • Bank: $954.23, Cash on hand: $45.00
    • Income: $0, Expenses: $0
    • Total balance: $999.23
    • Motion to accept by Rick and 2nd Judy. Carried.
  • RACES:
    • Mike participated in an Oswego Hospital drill; no contacts made, exploring further collaboration for redundant communications across four sites.
    • Hospital may access grant money for radio purchases.
    • No RACES drill on April 7; next on-air meeting scheduled for April 21.
    • Inventory work in progress before equipment can be transferred to the club.
  • Skywarn:
    • Upcoming training sessions:
      • April 6, 2 PM at SUNY Oswego
      • April 15, 7 PM online course
      • May 8, next session
    • Request made for a fall course; check NWS Buffalo website for a list.
  • Website/Social Media:
    • Conducting a survey of membership to create a directory and tap into skills for future presentations.
    • Over 600 subscribers on Facebook.
  • Scholarship: No new updates.
  • Field Day:
    • ARRL rules for 2024 are updated.
    • Mike will submit the application for Fort usage around April 1st.
  • Licensing Classes:
    • Technician and General classes have no new updates; General class planned for fall.
  • Community Service:
    • Thanks received from the Irish Autism Run; over 300 participants.
    • Child Advocacy Center 5K being planned, possibly on June 22 (same day as Field Day).
    • Other events: Harborfest 5K/10K on July 27, possible cancellation of Tour de Loop, Run for Health on August 10, Crush Cancer on October 12, Reindeer Run on December 7.
    • Motion carried by Garrett and Glenn.

Old Business:

  • Tower Storage: No immediate plans for the tower currently stored at Ken's.
  • Potential New Tower: Rudy informed Mike about a 60 ft tower available for free if the club disassembles it; located at Dave Webb’s wife’s home.
  • Repeaters: Pat is still in Arizona, plans to work on repeaters upon his return.
  • GMRS: VP Ken discussed GMRS licensing and local repeaters, potential interest from GMRS users in Technician courses, possible reprogramming of Ken’s business band repeater for GMRS use.

New Business:

  • None.


  • Picnic: Planning to reserve Brietbeck Park for August 11, noon; featuring a chicken dinner.
  • Christmas Party: Scheduled for December 14 at RFH Hideaway; Juddy may have speaker suggestions.


  • Motion to adjourn made by Dick, seconded by Ken, and carried.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary

February 2024

Submitted by admin on

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - Meeting Minutes
Date: February 28, 2024
Location: Oswego County Office Building


  • The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Paul Hopman KD2HJW, the club President.

Officers' and Committee Reports:

  • Secretary: Read the minutes from the January meeting. 
    • Motion to accept by Rick, Garrett.
  • Treasurer: Presented the financial report for the last month:
    • Bank balance: $756.23, Cash on hand: $45.00
    • Collected: Donation: $70.00, 50/50: $88.00, Dues: $100.00
    • December deposited: $198.00
    • New balance: $954.23 + $45 cash on hand = $999.23 total balance
    • Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Garrett, seconded by Ken.
  • RACES Officer: Mike was absent. Ben shared that the IS-100-C self-study is easy to sign up for on the FEMA website, requiring minimal personal information.
  • Skywarn: Mike was absent. Weather briefings were sent out today.
  • Website & Social Media: Ben reported the email system is working well with no Spectrum-related issues. Members can send content to Ben for group emails via [email protected].
  • Field Day: Garrett mentioned that the 2024 ARRL Field Day rules have not been published yet. Mike confirmed the fort is reserved for club use, with permit paperwork in progress.
  • Scholarship: The website has been updated with application information, though no applications have been received yet.
  • Licensing Classes: Rick is seeking additional instructors for the Technician class due to health and availability issues with current instructors.
  • Public Service: Ben shared a list of upcoming events from Redd. Bob mentioned that N2IK – Walt – is looking for volunteers for the St. Patrick’s Day parade, offering loaner radios for those unfamiliar with DMR. The deadline for volunteer sign-up is tomorrow.
    • Motion to accept the reports was made by Dick, seconded by Sam.

Old Business:

  • Ben, Paul, and Garrett are looking to complete the ICS-100-C course and encouraged others to do the same.
  • Repeaters: The 147.15 repeater needs service due to reception issues. Pat has offered to assist upon his return and is considering adding EchoLink to the 440 repeater.
  • The 30 ft tower from 51a has been relocated and is now stored at Ken's.

New Business:

  • Discussion about engaging with local GMRS groups to encourage cross-training and information sharing.


  • The meeting was adjourned with a motion made by Ken and seconded by Dick.

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary



Feb 2024.pdf177.76 KB

January 2024

Submitted by admin on

Meeting Minutes for Fulton Amateur Radio Club – January Meeting

Date: January 24th 2024

Location: Oswego County Office Building

  1. Opening:  
    • The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Paul Hopman KD2HJW, the club President.
    • Introduction and welcome of new officers, Ken Ellsworth N2GFG, Vice President, Ben Townsend AK2X, Secretary.
  2. Officers' And Committee Reports
    • Secretary read minutes from December meeting.
    • Treasurer: Presented the financial report for the last month:
      1. Bank balance: $720.23, Cash on hand: $45.00
      2. Collected: Christmas Party: $886.15, 50/50: $88.00, Dues: $10.00
      3. Christmas dinner: $890.15, Decorations: $74.00
      4. December deposited: $110.00
      5. Balance: $756.23 + $45 cash on hand
      6. Total balance: $801.23
      7. Motion moved by Al 1st, seconded by Ken.
      8. Dues due for 2024. $10/year. Stickers and Patches are available.
    • RACES Officer
      1. RACSE sign ups, list was passed around looking for additional members interested in RACES.
      2. ICS-100-c and ICS-200-c RACES members need to take and get certificates to Mike.
      3. 30 foot Tower down at Route 51a site. Can’t currently get access due to snow. 
      4. 147.15 repeater is currently nonfunctional. Looking at making adjustments to the squelch. 
      5. RACES inventory. County plans to turn over equipment to FARC including trailers. Wants to see investment from membership of time and volunteering.
      6. Starting February. 1st Sunday training on air. 3rd on air meeting
      7. LCPD meeting for the county. County is preparing for a major influx of visits due to solar eclipse. 
      8. Nuclear preparedness event will happen this year, date TBD. Hazmat training and public response training in May.
      9. ICS-300 training coming soon in Pulaski, no information available yet.
      10. Oswego Health – Working with RACES to see if we can setup redundant comms between Oswego, Fulton and Central Square medical facilities.
      11. Red Cross and Salvation Army exploring working with us for backup communications.
      12. Exploring scheduling a group ICS-100-c training, would need to pay to utilize the building on the weekend if we utilize the EOC facilities.
      13. Trailer at public events – Parades, Public Schools, County fair etc.
      14. Ongoing discussion with the local search and rescue group to explore future collaborations.
      15. Discussion about coordinating working with a local school district to plan contact with International Space Station.
    • Skywarn:  weather briefings going out regularly
    • Website & Social Media: Email issues with spectrum fixed. For now send any items needing to go out to all to [email protected] Ben will relay it back out. Facebook, Mike is posting engaging content regularly. As always please sure pictures and information about events with Ben to share publicly. 
    • Scholarship:  no new news. If anyone knows anyone who is going to college this year into a technical field have them apply.
    • Field Day: Looking to use RACES trailer. Garret working with Mike to get appropriate permits. Fort Ontario is now part of POTA. June, 22nd and 23rd.
    • Licensing classes:  Mike and Rick are planning next session.
    • Public Service: The “autism run” is March 9; Redd will put out a call two weeks ahead of time.
    • Motion to accept: 1st Judy 2nd: Tom 
  3. Old Business
    • Repeaters. Pat’s repeaters are up and available for use: 444.350 145.39. Mike talking with Pat about adding EchoLink. Both repeaters have good coverage through large parts of the county.
    • Christmas Party: good food and good attendance. Great presentation. Planning to use the same venue, already reserved for early December 2024. Thank you to Judy Lamay for coordinating the event and favors.
  4. New Business:
    • Club Picnic. 
      1. JT’s Kickn Chicken is closing Fulton location moving to Club 48’s old location. Exploring other options for chicken dinner w/ salad potatoes and beans.
      2. Location:  Brietbeck Park was double booked last year, not able to reserve for 2024 yet, Judy is working to reserve as soon as possible. Looking at possibly reserving Palermo town park as an alternative if unable to book Brietbeck park. General opinion of the club was to remain in Oswego if available. 
    • Route 51a tower is down and we may be able to go retrieve it if the weather cooperates. Mike will put an email out to coordinate a time to retrieve it the following Saturday.
    • Judy will get a get well card to John Darling from the club who has been feeling unwell.
    • Letting LARC know about frequency change for the repeaters. Al will be at their next meeting and will relay the news. Other local organizations and websites have been updated.
    • Announcement:  Winter Field Day is this weekend.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM. Ken 1st  Glen 2nd

Minutes Prepared By: Ben Townsend, Secretary